

About Programming

We have a big team of programmers, with collective expertise in every aspect of game development. Our programmers are given challenging tasks that stretch skillsets, and build experience, offering them the opportunity to become recognised as an expert to whom other programmers turn for help and advice.

Our proprietary Cobra technology is designed to give programmers the flexibility to create engaging and authentic games running across multiple platforms. Our games span genres with intricate and inter-dependent game mechanics, requiring a complexity of game logic far beyond the typical game. Whether working as part of a game team, or within our shared technology team, or as a specialist supporting a cross-project department, every programmer at Frontier has interesting and rewarding input that help make our games awesome.

Game teams bring together experts from many fields of game development. Our programmers in the game team work closely with designers and content-creators in addition to other programmers, to collaboratively engineer the game experience. They understand the game as a whole, building particular expertise in specific features and systems, and contributing ideas and opinions about the wider game.

Our shared technology team develops the Cobra game engine, including game development tools and other supporting technologies. Many different aspects of game development are covered within this team: platform abstraction, game architecture, graphics techniques, physics simulation, procedural animation, machine learning, and much more!

Each development department faces domain-specific challenges in designing and authoring content, and integrating those assets into games. Our programmers within the content department have a deep understanding of the domain, and of the pipelines used by content creators to deliver assets. 

Programming Jobs (0)

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    We don’t have any opportunities right now, but we are always on the lookout for super-talented, passionate people - if you think you fit the bill, then we'd love to hear from you. Drop us a line at